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image of Chinese poster Study the Sixteen Articles, know well the Sixteen Articles, apply the Sixteen Articles

Study the Sixteen Articles, know well the Sixteen Articles, apply the Sixteen Articles

Regular price £465.00 Sale

Artist: Jilin Luyi Revolutionary Rebel Army

Year: 1967

Publisher: Jilin People's Publishing House

Size (mm): 532x750

Condition: excellent

Adopted at the Eleventh Plenum of the CCP Eighth Central Committee on 8 August 1966, the 'Party Central Committe Decision on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution' became known as 'The Sixteen Articles', the first officially published document spelling out Mao Zedong's radical policies of the Cultural Revolution. The sixteen articles provided guidelines including carrying out the struggle, criticism, reform, campaign; mobilising the masses in writing dazibao (big character posters) to expose class enemies; as well as awarding temporary power to the newly formed cultural revolution groups, committees and congresses.