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image of 1968 Chinese propaganda poster Expel the traitor, collaborator and thief Liu Shaoqi from the Party forever

Expel the traitor, spy and renegade Liu Shaoqi from the Party forever!

Regular price €1.528,95 Sale

Artist: unknown

Year: 1968

Publisher: Shanghai People's Fine Art Publishing House

Size (mm): 770x1055

Condition: very good, creases, no folds, tears to edges and longer tear on left side repaired on rear


*Please note this is an XL poster, see dimensions above* 

President of the PRC from 1959-1968, vice-chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from 1956-1968, and once the acknowledged successor to Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi became the main target of the Cultural Revolution. In 1966 a mass campaign was launched attacking Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi as bourgeois reactionaries, with Liu labelled as 'China's Khrushchev'. An investigation into Liu's alleged subversive activities resulted in a 1968 report on the '. . crimes of the traitor, spy and renegade Liu Shaoqi'.

Banners at rear read:

Weida de guangrong de zhengque de Zhongguogongchandang wansui! (Long live the great, glorious and rightful Chinese Communist Party!)

Jixu shenru zhankai geming dapipan! (Continue to deepen revolutionary critique!)

Jixu qingsuan Liu Shaoqi jiqi tonghuo pandangpanguo de zuixing! (Continue to expose Liu Shaoqi and his accomplices for treason against party and country!)

Suqing Liu Shaoqi deng dangnei zuida de yixiaocuo zouzipai de fangeming xiuzhengzhuyi de sixiang! (Eliminate the counter-revolutionary revisionist thought of Liu Shaoqi and his handful of capitalist-roaders!)